The door is locked, and the keyhole is surrounded by runes. You try your keys, and find that the key you found in the ruins west of Formello unlocks the door! The door is locked, and the keyhole is surrounded by runes. You try all of your keys, but none of them work. Monsters appear all around you! You feel very weak. You feel very woozy. You feel very confused. You find the altar. The bronze ankh is still there, brightly reflecting the grim light. You get a warm feeling just being in its presence. As you turn to leave, you would swear the bronze ankh flashes brightly for a moment. You turn to look at it, but it looks just like it did before. Odd. Must have been your imagination. With a feeling of great satisfaction, you replace the crude ankh with the much more beautiful bronze one. It's strange how overpowering the desire was. It definitely feels wonderful to satisfy it. The wall to the north slides out of the way. You press the button again, but nothing happens. You press the button, and the wall to the south slides out of the way. It is a painting of the surface world, or, at least, the surface world as the painter remembered it. You don't remember the surface as being that sunny. There is a plaque here. It reads "In memory of the bold defenders of the last Fort Remote, who died fighting evil. They will always be remembered." It is customary for Exile forts to have a small shrine. This one, as usual, shows signs of frequent visitation. A bowl of fresh mushrooms has been placed in front of it as an offering. However, it's ankh is only crudely carved granite. It's a shame. One of the folders on these shelves catches your eye - it describes the fortress Akhronath, which is to the west and then to the north. You find its location, and that it is a place filled with evil magic, but apparently little else is known about it. Among the books on the shelf, you find a map and notes on the fortress Kothtar. It is at the southwest corner of the tunnels to the west. The maps note there are several Empire guardposts between here and there. You reach the exit of the rakshasi's lair, only to find a band of their pets waiting to avenge their masters! You open the concealed door, and a blast of heat hits you square in the face. The long, low room to the north is filled with hot coals! The cave to the north is intensely cold. This frosty cavern is filled with hunting trophies displayed on poles. However, not all of the trophies are of simple beasts - the hunters hunt Sliths, Nephilim, and humans as well. It is a grisly sight. The cabinet is filled with all manner of prepared and preserved meats. They would look delectable, if you didn't know so much about the eating habits of the Rakshasi. You leave them be. The pungent smoke of exotic herbs assails your nostrils. The room to the south is richly decorated with all manner of soft rugs and pillows, arranged around low, burning braziers. There is no shortage of hookahs, pipes, and other objects of leisure. You find scrolls of rakshasi magical writings. Most of them are very alien to you, but one scroll contains the beginnings of the translation of a human spell, complete with a description of the original. You now know the spell Major Cleansing. You find scrolls of rakshasi magical writings. Damned if you can make any sense of them. The crystal is dull and without magic. After dealing with the Vahnatai, it's a pleasant change of pace. This room is filled with magical paraphernalia, some human, some Vahnatai, much alien to you. The stuff is arranged about the room haphazardly - your eye detects no order in its placement. The bridge you are standing on vibrates and blurs. You are terrified for a moment - afraid that the surface is about to disappear out from under your feet. However, when the blurring stops the bridge is still there, only different. You gingerly lift open the box, and a cloud of red mist emerges from it. The gas wafts over to the pentagram, then solidifies! It's very interesting to watch, until the thing that solidifies starts casting a spell. The altar was powerful, but it was no match for your holy strength. It shudders, and breaks right down the middle. Insubstantial red spirits rise from the rubble and flit away, terrified. Good job. The altar is still destroyed. You abase yourselves before the sinister altar, hoping some of its power will enter you. It does - you feel filled with magical energy. However, you also feel somewhat light-headed. The moment you even step towards the altar, lightning bolts fly out of it! You are blasted back, the aroma of your cooking flesh filling your nostrils. A moment ago, there was a wall in front of you. There isn't one there now. A moment ago, there wasn't a black wall blocking the passage ahead. There is one now. You find the frozen bodies of Exile soldiers, only recently killed. The way they've been treated indicates to you you should think twice before eating any meat you find in this place. You hear a soft chiming noise from the corridor to the north. When you reach for the ring, the ruby cracks! In moments, the pedestal is completely obscured by a cloud of flame! You reach for the ring, but it contorts and grows in front of your eyes! It rolls off the pedestal to the ground and rises up again, as a snake! You never thought it could feel this good. You hear a chiming noise. The door in front of you disappears! A guard checks to make sure you have Magi clearance before letting you pass. A guard stops you from heading north. He grumbles "Magi clearance only." This is the Dharmon Arms, the largest and most luxurious inn in Exile (which, granted, doesn't say much). There aren't many people besides soldiers here now - non-soldiers have been heading east as fast as they can. This cave is a sort of a stable, where the many merchants that visit Dharmon leave their wagons and the lizards that pull them. There is only one wagon and pair of lizards here - the constant fighting has been scaring the merchants away. This narrow tunnel, off Dharmon's refuse pit, leads to a small door. The floor in front of the altar is covered with broken weapons, shields, tunics, and other trophies taken from slain foes. There are also scrolls, each naming a friend lost to battle. You pay your respects, then leave this solemn place. This is the Temple of the Crossed Swords, the largest temple in Exile. For years, warriors have come from all over to pray for safety and honor in battle. With the coming of the war, the shrine has been bombarded with visitors. The shop to the west is filled with dust and cobwebs. Nothing is left of whatever was stored here, except some empty boxes and the counter. You hear the noise of stone grinding on stone. Suddenly, there is a popping noise and a puff of ozone, and holes appear in the force barriers! The hidden passage ends in a dark, filthy little room, with a table in the middle of it. There is an odd odor. You offer a brief homage to the god of these strange creature. As you pray, you begin to feel energized, a little at first, then more and more. You feel touched by divine gratitude for the respect you have paid. Then, you back away, feeling rejuvenated. You offer a brief homage to the god of these strange creature. After a short time, you start to feel very uncomfortable, and back away. You gently skim your fingers over the surface of the water. The water is cool and refreshing. From here, you see the white statue is the centerpiece of a small, open-air shrine. This slender stone bridge leads to an island out in the lake. You can see a large white statue on it. This low-ceilinged dome contains this villages greatest treasure - the pools in which the slith eggs hatch and in which the slith children grow until they gain the ability to breath out of water. All of the children watch you with fascination. This is a book on slith holy rituals. Skimming it, you find something interesting. It mentions many slith holy places have three pools of water nearby. It is traditional (and sometimes necessary) to lightly touch each pool before approaching the altar. For a people unaccustomed to building things, the sliths have done a good job here. This solid stone structure holds as good a forge as you've seen in Exile. This stone dome is filled with deep pools, each teeming with small fish. The sliths have constructed a hatchery here! Fascinating! This small, chilly chamber is where the bodies of Exile's soldiers are kept before being taken to be buried. Their weapons have been laid reverently at their feet, and cloths embroidered with the sun symbol of Exile have been placed on their chests. The delicate crystal is shattered easily by a single blow of your weapon. This, of course, takes the energy that was being let out slowly by the crystal, and lets it out quickly. Ouch. A long, crude barricade has been erected to either side of the fort, in case of attacks from the water on either side. You find a small gate placed in the side, with deadfalls on either side of it so it could be closed quickly in case of attack. You kneel before the crystal, and feel energy flowing into you! Your spell points are rapidly restored! In this cramped, concealed back room, you find a small cell. The rank smell and the claw marks on the walls and floor indicate that, for whatever reason, monsters are stored here. A small shrine has been placed in this tower. It is surrounded by many small, modest offerings, both for soldiers and friends lost, and in supplication for a safe future. This is a short stairway, which leads up to the ramparts of the fort. You pull the lever, and the portcullis below closes again. You pull the lever, and the central portcullis in the courtyard below opens. You find Leith's notes on his observations. He's spent some time trying to find a spy in Blosk, and hasn't had any luck. He does mention, however, that he suspects an attack on the storehouses in Almaria is imminent, and that they should be searched. You find a lot of books and notes on stealth and espionage. You notice one thing has been circled - "Burning a paper does not make it forever unreadable. Often, an identify spell can elicit the words from its damaged surface." You find, among the empty journals and works of fiction, a sheaf of Leith's note from his travels. One of them mentions: "The Wand of Carrunos, used during the hunt to make the prey more powerful. Hunters often need a challenge!" You look behind the dresser and indeed find a message, written in an Exile magical dialect. Unfortunately, you're not magically savvy enough to understand it. This dresser is completely empty. You look around - it doesn't look like anyone's stayed here for a while. You hear a soft voice: "You have not been authorized to enter this place. For proper authorization, please speak with King Micah and Rone, at the Castle. Thank you." You step into the portal, and are teleported ... five feet behind where you were standing. You step in again, and again fail to go anywhere. You blank out briefly. When you return to reality, you have moved. The altar is no longer nearly as interesting when bereft of its powerful burden. You find a tome on, of all things, quickfire by itself on a shelf. Reading it, you learn that "Magical barriers are capable of holding in quickfire. Remarkably, even the lowly fire barrier can hold the flaming torrents at bay!" These shelves contain the libraries exceptionally valuable tomes, kept on polished, sparsely populated shelves. Unfortunately, the tomes don't seem to contain the practical, valuable knowledge you crave. You find a paper on magical items, by someone named Rita, of the Cskany Clan. The summary: Feldspar and Ivory Charms - Yin and yang. One makes the wearer more vulnerable, and one protects. You find a paper on magical items, by someone named Rita, of the Cskany Clan. The summary: Runeshield - Shield very useful for mages - very light and unobtrusive. You feel a brief chill as you pass through a thin, invisible magical barrier. You bump your noses against a perfectly smooth, perfectly immovable, invisible magical barrier. You hear a soft voice, saying "Magi Clearance only. Please withdraw." This is the solemn, beautiful conference room of Patrick's tower. It is done in the Vahnatai style, although the tiles and such do not appear to be of Vahnatai make. The glow crystal doesn't actually glow, for example. You find a paper on magical items, by someone named Rita, of the Cskany Clan. The summary: Orb of Thralni. Allows flight for long distances. Stolen by Empire, believed taken west of Fort Remote. This dusty chamber contains the books that there weren't any room for and were deemed non-useful. It seems a shame to treat something as rare as a book this way. You find a paper on magical items, by someone named Rita, of the Cskany Clan. The summary: Ruby and Onyx Charms - Very protective. The former, against fire, the latter, against magic. You grab one the the thinner of the forgotten, dusty books. It's an unfinished novel about life in Exile, written on lichen paper. It's about a dock-worker. One thing you notice: it mentions him getting rid of barrels by shoving them into big chasms. You find a paper on magical items, by someone named Rita, of the Cskany Clan. The summary: Wand of Vorb - Devastates user. No other effects. Probably product of failed attempt to create another wand. You find a paper on magical items, by someone named Rita, of the Cskany Clan. The summary: Potion of bliss - Heals and blesses together. Highly beneficial. You search the desk, but don't find anything interesting besides the button. You search Patrick's desk for the button he told you about. You find it easily, and press it. Sure enough, a section of the bookshelf slides out of the way. This is Patrick's desk. Nervously, you search through it. It has a paper, pens, empty folders, and all the other things you'd expect. Nothing interesting, though. You try to move the potted plant out of the way, to see what's behind it. When you shift it forward, however, you hear a clicking noise. Then, smoothly, silently, a block of stone rises from the floor of the fountain to the surface, forming a bridge. You look at the statue carefully, and notice it isn't attached to the floor. You give it a light push, and it smoothly swings out of your way. Most of the tomes are highly obscure and esoteric. Looking at them isn't doing much good. However, one of them contains a recipe, which you eagerly copy down. It is the recipe for Graymold Salve!